Whiteboard: Marine Corps Leadership Principles
Original whiteboard breakdown of the 11 principles expected of leaders in the U.S. Marine Corps
What principles does your organization strive to emulate?
This whiteboard highlights the U.S. Marine Corps Leadership Principles.
“Leadership is intangible, hard to measure, and difficult to describe. It's quality would seem to stem from many factors. But certainly they must include a measure of inherent ability to control and direct, self-confidence based on expert knowledge, initiative, loyalty, pride and sense of responsibility. Inherent ability cannot be instilled, but that which is latent or dormant can be developed. Other ingredients can be acquired. They are not easily learned. But leaders can be and are made.”
General C. B. Cates
19th Commandant of the Marine Corps
This whiteboard was designed by Kayla Haas on July 7, 2021.
To learn more about Marine Corps leadership, visit: https://grc-usmcu.libguides.com/pme/qpme/marine-corps-ethics-values-leadership-development/qualities
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Your Leadership Principles is a lot more colorful and fun than the one hanging on the wall of my law office. Are you freely disseminating your colorful White Board above for "non-commercial uses." I know that sounded very JAGgy, but I can't help it that I was a 4402 MOS Judge Advocate as a Marine Officer.
I wish the Chaplain Corps would fully embrace all of those. Seems to me that they don’t see themselves as leaders because they won’t ever have a formal command, but they miss out on the tremendous amount of informal leadership that they can leverage for the good of the organization.